
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Reproducing an artwork

This term, the extension group had the opportunity to reproduce one of Charles F Goldie’s paintings. As you can see, I decided to have a try at drawing a 94 year old one, ‘The High born Lady.’ During the weeks, I found out more about the true meaning of the Maori culture, what the moko’s & tattoo’s meanings are and the way Maori’s like to show their families and their life. 
The current painting ‘The High born Lady’ was originally painted in the year 1918 and up to today, it’s still well known. To make this artwork, Charles used oil paint as a finishing product which most artists use but this man, used it in different ways.  

When I observe and watch his paintings carefully, it almost feels like he’s trying to convey a message. Also, when I look at this picture, it reminds me a lot about my Grandmother, because she stays strong and is determined to do anything until it's perfect. From the beginning to the end, I have had fun learning new things about the Maori culture and Charles F Goldie. 

I struggled quite a bit and lost track of time while I was finishing my artwork. I needed to manage my time more carefully, make the time for my classroom work and extension work. Along the way, I have learnt more about the Maori culture, what the moko's and tattoo's represent and how they feel and think about their work. From what I see, Maori's are strong, tense and are proud about their culture. I thought it was a great experience learning about an artist with a different culture and I had fun.

I wish when people look at these Goldie pictures and look real hard that they will find the true meaning and what Maori people really try and do. As I've been told over the past few years trying my hard to accomplish things, "A little hard work, builds character".

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